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[Newscasting] Contoh Opening Dan Closing Berita Bahasa Inggris

Andi Tri Santoso
Good morning future Newsanchor, nah kali ini mimin bakal kasih referensi 2 examples of Opening and Closing sentences in Newscasting. Yuk mari kita simak..

Menjadi seorang Newscaster atau Newsanchor merupakan salah satu kebanggaan tersendiri, terlebih bagi kita yang merasa passionate dibidang ini. Temen - temen SMA sederajat atau Mahasiswa yang sedang ingin mengikuti lomba Newscasting tetapi masih bingung nih atau mungkin ini pertama kalinya teman - teman mengikuti lomba ini. Don't Worry, as long as you have prepared everything to face the competition pasti bisa kok. Mnurut mimin sih kuncinya cuma how we believe in ourselves, karena beberapa kali mimin ikut lomba pun pesaingnya bagus - bagus banget bahas inggrisnya sampe kadang buat kita minder sendiri, tapi justru malah balik lagi ke skills, Newscasting is about Public Speaking but in front of the camera. Jadi the way we react, smile, movement, etc. in front of the camera is matter when it comes to the competition or real life.

Anyway, of course dong ketika ingin lomba newscasting we have to create our own opening and closing sentences right? Mungkin masih ada yang lagi buntu belum dapet referensi tentang opening closing yang bagus gimana. Sebenernya untuk Opening dan Closing sentences di Newscasting itu bukan tentang seberapa panjang atau pendeknya, tapi lebih kepada how we deliver it by our own style dan juga kita merasa comfortable.

Langsung aja nih, mimin kasih beberapa referensi Opening Closing yang bagus buat kalian yang ingin belajar atau lomba Newscasting. Lets Check it out!!!


1. Today's top story..
(The title or the Headline of the News)
Hello, Now you're watching ABC World News with me (Your name) and here is the complete news

2. Hello good morning, now you're watching NBC News which will provide you the latest news update around the world with me (Your name)
Then continued by reading the Headline or the News, you may add here is the complete news its okay


1. Well the latest update from (the country or city of the news, e.g India) as the end of today's edition. Thank you for watching and Have a wonderful day.

2. Well that's all the news today. If you want to get more information you may visit our website on Thank you for watching and have a great day.

Itu lah beberapa suggestion dari mimin untuk opening closing yang simple tapi keren banget, hehe. Semoga bermanfaat bagi temen - temen semua. Pesen mimin cuma 1, Don't give up on something that you believe in or matter to you. Semangat berjuang para future Newsanchor!!

Oya untuk temen - temen yang mau request kira - kira mimin perlu bahas apalagi nih, komen dikolom komentar yaaa.. 😁

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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