

Andi Tri Santoso

Hai teman - teman semuanya, apa kabar nih? Semoga selalu sehat ya, pokoknya dimasa Self-Quarantine akibat dari virus corona kaya gini, yang mana ini juga sebagai preventive way untuk menyetop penyebaran virus ini kita harus mengikuti anjuran pemerintah pokoknya. Untuk sementara mau gak mau harus mengurangi aktivitas diluar dan juga berkumpul dengan orang banyak supaya masalah ini cepat berlalu dan kita bisa beraktivitas normal seperti biasanya. Btw pokoknya jaga selalu kesehatan dan jangan lupa minum air putih yang cukup bilaperlu minum vitamin.

Alright guys, hari ini mimin mau posting contoh naskah live report yang pernah mimin buat untuk kompetisi di ALSA UI 2018 untuk lomba News casting. Mungkin kalian sebelumnya bingung gimana cara buatnya atau contoh naskahnya, nah sekarang mimin kasih liat contohnya ke kalian. Yuk Check it out!!
Female News Reporter on Field in Traffic - Woman journalist on the job as a live correspondent

Yes, thank you Marta from studio 1 NET TV, I’m Budi Laksono, now reporting live from Karang asem a subdistrict  where Mount Agung is located.

Well Marta, I’ll give you the latest update, the information we got from Center for volcanology and geological hazard at 13.30 Central Indonesia Time. There is Magma Movement activity since that means this bring potential explosive earthquake. The Increased activity of Mount Agung is around 12 hours. Recorded there are 722 times of great mountain activity occurs compared to yesterday.

Marta, Mount Agung now is in alert Status because it happened due to the deep focus earthquake as well as shallow focus earthquake that occurred in underwater. 
Besides, about 10 quakes felt everyday in this area and it’s signifies increased activity in the Mount Agung.

As you can see behind me, there are a lot of people come in because they want to see the activity of the eruption directly in the monitoring post and Center for volcanology and geological hazard is still observing the seismicity that happen in Mount Agung.

Marta, we have interviewed Head of Volcanology and Geological hazard about the eruption, so, based on the result of Data analysis in critical condition due to pressure from Magma activity, the eruption is still continuing until now.

Head of National Disaster Mitigation Agency, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said that the residents from the radius 3 up to 5 kilometers are affected by this eruption. Meanwhile, the locals that have been evacuated almost 50 thousand people, many of local residents are concerned about their livestock and their farms. and hiking destination for tourist is the most affected place by the eruption, So, that is why there has been a travel warning for tourist to stay away from the place. 

Furthermore, the refugees that are impacted by the eruption are spread in 299 posts disaster that can be found around buleleng, klungkung, tabanan, gianyar, and badung.
And marta, the impact of this eruption has disrupted some international flights that caused cancelation hundreds of flight.

well we will continue to monitor the progress of this eruption and also we appeal to the community surrounding the eruption to use mask to protect their body from the eruption.
And we wait your partipation, you can share your donation for the refugee of Mount Agung through NET Charity Program.

Nah itu dia guys contoh dari live report bencana gunung merapi di bali, semoga bisa jadi referensi teman - teman buat menampilkan yang terbaik pas kompetisi ya. Jangan di baca sendirian, kalian boleh share nih ke teman - teman kalian yang sekarang lagi mau belajar Newscasting juga, hehe..
Oya, kalo kalian punya suggestion atau pertanyaan tentang apa yang mimin harus bahas ditulisan selanjutnya, komen di kolom komentar ya guys.. 😊


About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

1 komentar:

Erom said...

Bagus gan artikelnya, semangat ya membuat konten-konten nya