
[Grammar Test] TOEFL Structure and Written Expression

Andi Tri Santoso

Mempelajari bahasa inggris tentu tidak terlepas dengan yang namanya grammar atau tata bahasa, yang mana mewajibkan kita untuk memahami pola kalimat berdasarkan tenses yang ada. Untuk dapat sepenuhnya paham, tentu diperlukan latihan yang rutin sehingga kita dapat memahami penggunaannya.
Nah, di edisi kali ini, mimin akan ngebahas beberapa soal grammar dan juga penjelasannya. So, let’s check it out!!

hand holding red pen over proofreading text in office

1. Tiger moths __________ wings marked with stripes or spots.
(A) have
(B) with
(C) their
(D) whose

My answer: The correct answer is A. Have, because the subject is plural which is Tiger Moths

2. Designed by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, the____________
(A) United States was given the Statue of Liberty by the people of France
(B) people of France gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States
(C) Statue of Liberty was given to the United States by the people of France
(D) French people presented the United States with a gift, the Statue of Liberty

My answer: The right one is C, because designed by it means the subject is not Frederic, so we need to fill it with The statue of Liberty as the subject of the sentence.

3. Martha Graham, ____________ of the pioneers of modern dance, didn’t begin dancing until she was 21.
(A) who, as one
(B) she was
(C) one
(D) was one

My answer: The correct one is C. One, because we need to add Appositive to make the sentence clear as it is to describe the subject and verb.

Part 2. Directions:
a. Identify the wrong part of the sentence!
b. Explain why it is wrong!
c. Suggest the correct substitute!

4. R. Buckminster Fuller was a design, an architect , an inventor, and an engineer.

Design is a noun where the sentence need to filled by profession because it reflected to the subject. So the incorrect one is Design, it should be Designer.

5. Goats are extremely destruction to natural  vegetation and are often responsible for soil erosion.

Destruction is a noun, where according to the sentence after the adverb extremely we need to put adjective. So it must be changed by Destructive.

6. Pearls are found in much  colors, including cream, blue , lavender, and black.

The incorrect one is Much, because Pearls is something that is countable and it is not abstract. So, we need to change it with “Many”.  

7. Snowshoes let a person to walk on snow without sinking into it because they distribute
the person’s weight over a wide area.

The incorrect one is to walk, because it supposed to be Walking. As it is to describe the situation that’s going to be happen later, in connection with the subject which is Snowshoes.

8.  Eggs may be boiling in the shell, scrambled, fried, and cooked in countless other ways.

The incorrect one is Boiling because it is describe the process, where the next words is in the shell in which we need the word which show how’s the process. It should be Boiled.

Itulah beberapa contoh soal grammar dan juga penjelasannya, semoga artikel kali ini bermanfaat. Tetap semangat untuk kita semua yang sedang berjuang menggapai mimpi kita saat ini, because there’s nothing useless. Sampai jumpa di artikel selanjutnya.. JJJ

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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