

Andi Tri Santoso

Selamat malam semuanya, balik lagi nih di blog mimin yang selalu berusaha membagikan ilmu - ilmu yang insyaallah bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Nah di edisi kali ini mimin bakal ngebahas soal dan jawaban mengenai Problems With Inversion. Gak perlu nunggu lama, kuy langsung kita simak aja pembahasannya..

Child, I Am A Student, Book, Figure, Learning

1. For 10 sentences below, please do the following:
1. circle the subject and the verb
2. identify the inverted construction in the sentence
3. determine what type of inversion is used in the sentence
4. determine whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
5. if the sentence is incorrect, suggest the correct substitute 

The Question:

My answer:
1. The subject is “the town council and the land developers”, meanwhile the verb is “is not sure”. See the sentence above, so it is included as Question word-Inversion because there is “why” in the sentence and the sentence is Incorrect because there is no verb after the “the land developers” sentence. We have to put “have” after that sentence, so it’s going to correct.
2. The subject in the sentence above is the world and the verb is believed. It is included as Negative-Inversion because there is “Never” in the sentence. Meanwhile, the sentence is incorrect because in the sentence there is no auxiliary verb so, we have to add Did before the word I, in order to make the sentence correct and because this sentence is using past tense.
3.  The subject on that sentence is “the day”, while the verb is “have been”. It is included as conditional inversion because the sentence using “had”. Meanwhile, the sentence is correct according to the used of words and tenses.
4. The subject in the sentence is “the judge”, while the verb is “take”. The sentence belongs to Negative Inversion because the used of “Only” on that sentence. Further, it is already correct.
5. The subject is the offices, whereas the verb is painted. The sentence belongs to Initial Place Expressions- Inversion because it shows the place which is the office. Moreover, it is incorrect because the use of to be “are” it must be before “the office” word.
6. The subject is “the scientist”, while the verb is “explain”. It is included as the Question Words-Inversion because the use of what in the sentence. Meanwhile, the sentence already correct according to the past tense structure.
7. The subject is “the country”, meanwhile the verb is “ever”. The sentence is included as Negative Inversion because the use of Hardly word. Moreover, the sentence is Incorrect because there is no auxiliary verb before the word “It”. So, we have to put “Does” in order to make the sentence correct.
8. The subject in the sentence is Elijah and any other player, whereas the verb is scored and had. This sentence used Comparisons-Inversion because the use of comparison “more than” in the sentence and it’s already correct.
9. The subject is “earthquake”, while the verb is “occur”. The inversion used in this sentence is Initial Place Expressions-Inversion because there is “In the state of California in the beginning of the sentence. Further, the sentence is correct.
10. The sentence is incorrect because it must be “Should He”. This sentence used Conditional-Inversion because the use of word “Should”. The subject in this sentence is He, while the verb is Call.

1. Rarely are observatories located near city lights or at lower elevations.

I choose (D) because in the sentence is missing the main subject. The negative adverb in the beginning which is “Rarely”, suggest and inversion between the subject and verb.

2. There are geographic, economic, and cultural reasons why diets differ around the world.

I choose (A) because in the sentence we see that we are missing the subject and verb.

3. Were the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers not spending millions of dollars each year replenishing eroding beaches, the coastline would be changing even more rapidly.

I choose (A) because the sentence is started with linking verb, in which it is suggesting to full fill by in fact a conditional sentence. So we missed the subject and verb.

4. Nowhere are retail trade figures more skewed than in the auto industry.

I choose (C) because the sentence begins with a negative, so it needs to full fill by subject-verb inversion.

5. New York City's Central Park is nearly twice as large as is the second smallest country, Monaco.

I choose (D) because in the sentence is clear that a comparison is taking place.

6. Potassium has a valence of positive one because it usually loses one electron when it combines with other elements.

I choose (B) because the blank is located after the middle connector and there is clearly a verb, possibly subject that is missing.

7. Since fishing fleets might not have been so inefficient in limiting their catch to target species had the government been more strict in enforcing penalties.

I choose (C) because as we see in the blank, there is no verb and subject, so we missed them.

8. The Dewey Decimal System, currently used in libraries throughout the world, divides all written works into ten classes according to subject.

I choose (B) as the correct answer because when we see the sentence, we know that there is two commas in the middle of the sentence, it means extra information. We have to fill the blank part with verb because there is no verb.

9. Individual differences in brain-wave activity may shed light on why some people are more prone to emotional stress disorders than are others.

I choose (D) because the sentence using comparison and we missed the pair of more which is “than”.

10. If freshly squeezed, the orange juice in a one-cup serving provides twice the minimum daily requirement for vitamin C.

I choose (B) as the correct one because in the sentence we missed the connector.

Nah itulah pembahasan mimin kali ini tentang contoh soal dan pembahasan mengenai Problems With Inversion, semoga bermanfaat ya.. 
Jangan lupa di like dan dishare.. Terimakasih 😊😊😊

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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