
Health Protocols Should be obeyed by Indonesian People - Speech Script

Andi Tri Santoso

Hallo semuanya, apa kabarnya nih? Semoga selalu sehat dan bahagia ya.. :)

Nah hari ini mimin mau kasih contoh naskah pidato bahasa inggris tentang "Kenapa sih Protokol Kesehatan itu Harus di Patuhi oleh Orang Indonesia?" So, without doing further do, lets check it out!

As we know that right now, many countries in the world have experiencing Covid-19 cases, not exception in Indonesia. A lot of people have infected by this virus in which as of today, the number of people who have been infected by this virus worldwide has reached more than 25 million cases, with 16.5 million people have recovered, also the death cases already more than 800 thousand people. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the total cases is more than 175 thousand with 126 thousand people have recovered and more than 7 thousand deaths.

Maybe some of us still confused about what actually this virus is and how it affects our body, as well the impact. So, the Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Although for most people COVID-19 causes only mild illness, it can make some people very ill. More rarely, the disease can be fatal. Older people and those with pre- existing medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes appear to be more vulnerable.

The symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, sore throat and headaches. In severe cases it can be the difficulty in breathing and deaths can occur. A lot of countries are struggling to stop or prevent the spread of this virus, so that the graphic of people who are infected will go down, not only that some of the countries also are struggling to find the best medicine to cure them who have infected as well. From the current updated, the University of Oxford, the vaccine developed by Sinovac in collaboration with PT Bio Farma, and many more they are still being tested by the scientists to make sure that the vaccine is good and cure them who are infected by this virus.

Furthermore, this virus has already impacted not only about our body but even the country because financially, many people have lost their jobs, besides it also impacted to the economy condition, as well mentally of people. In Indonesia, as we know that starting from the first cases of this virus, our government has already done some regulations to prevent or to make the number of cases going stable. For example, PSBB, Lockdown in some areas, appeal people to use health protocols when going outside such as bring hand sanitizer, wash hands frequently, use mask, and many more.

Well talking about Health Protocols, it is very important to stop the spread of this virus because this virus can spread through the air. Moreover, many scientists have done the research on how important to use health protocols for us to protect ourselves by this virus. According to the graphic in the Ministry of Health, if we follow the health protocols, the number of cases will going down. But what is the biggest problem now?

In Indonesia, it is understandable if people are barely not care with this virus now because we don’t know how this virus come to us, unless we experiencing it. Besides, they already confused on how to continuing their life because they lost their jobs that is why a lot of criminal going on now in many areas in Indonesia. The impact of this virus is very big. Have you ever think that we definitely want this virus will over, got the right vaccine, and we can do activity normally again? But how could it will realize if we don’t care about that?.

I strongly believe that this virus will go soon and over if we follow health protocols and follow the government instruction, they make the decision, of course they will think though on how the impact of that regulation. If we look back at the previous month, most of us are staying at home and really follow health protocols and it is impacted to the number of cases that is going a bit more low, but then now because the awareness of people are fading so the number is going high again.

All in all, maybe most of us are missing going to school, work, hang out with our friends, etc. So, it is the right time for us to understand that we can’t fight for this virus alone, we have to unite. We want everything going normal soon, but how could it be if we do not do anything and just ignoring the rules?. Do not because of our selfishness in the end make this condition not finished immediately. In conclusion let us face this situation together and believe that we will win if we aware and care each other. So as not to be infected, we need to follow health protocols because when people are diligently wash their hands with soap and water, use masks when doing outdoor activities, avoid touching their faces when hands feel dirty, avoid crowds, and maintain physical distance or apply physical distancing, I believe we can do normal activity soon.

Well that's all, semoga artikel ini bermanfaat ya :)

Nah kalau teman- teman ada kritik atau saran, boleh kirim di kolom komentar.. 

See u on the next Article..

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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