
“Should Students Take To Street To Protest The Newly Passed Controversial Omnibus Law On Job Creation?” - Omnibus Law

Andi Tri Santoso

Recently, the House of Representatives of Indonesia has inaugurated the Omnibus Law, which is a concept of making regulations that combines several rules with different regulatory substances into one regulation under one legal protection. The Omnibus law itself was made by the government which focuses on the Employment Law, UMKM Empowerment Law, and Taxation Law which are expected to be tools to strengthen the national economy through improving the investment ecosystem and Indonesia's competitiveness. However, in reality, there are so many contradictions to the adoption of this policy that has led to many demonstrations in various places in Indonesia after the adoption of this policy because it seems hasty and a policy that does not side with the workers. In line with this, I personally supported those who took to the street especially students to protest related to this obligation. Here are some of my reasons.

First of all, Indonesia is a democratic country that we could say everything we want as long as we don’t break the rules. By doing demonstration means that we are conveying something that is not in line with what we want in this country because we think it will not gives us benefit as the citizens. Moreover, through this action, we take to the street and delivering our aspirations directly to the government, especially here the House of Representatives so then they will directly follow up what we want and what are the things that burden us so then they could clarify. Since it is often happened that the government seems don’t care with their citizens or even when we deliver our aspirations through their services for example call center of their offices it will be slow response.

Second of all, there are some contradictions on the contents of the omnibus law which is impressed is not in favor of labor. A lot of students took to the street lately because they saw some of the regulations in this law are not fair, the contents of this law seems benefit investors. So, that is why they took to the street as it is to make the government will stop the validation of this law or even change the contents since they consider it is not fair to them as Labor. The validation of this law also in controversy since there are some of the meeting members don’t get the draft of this policy that of course they don’t know about the inside of this policy. 

Third of all, students or we called as “Young Generation” is the future of our country, when we just keep silent, maybe our country will not get betterment. It also as the protest of the government performance that seems not good, we are democratic country that has slogan “from the people, by the people, for the people”. By doing this action also to evaluate the government performance so then they will aware and not careless in decision making. Government is paid by us, so I think it is okay if we do this action, because we fight not only for our rights but for the other people that maybe afraid to speak up.

All in all, I think it is okay for us to do demonstration as long as it is not break the rules and not ruin the facilities that we have because we are democratic country. Because when we do that it will not solve the problem but adding new problem. Additionally, it also shows on how we love our country and want our country get advancement in the future. I think that in this case the government should immediately provide clarification to students or the public about this so that they do not do anarchist things that can damage the facilities we have because this also shows the responsibility of the government itself for the policies they decide.

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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