
Contoh Script Weather Forecast TERBARU!! Chect it Out!

Andi Tri Santoso

Who want to be Newspresenter in Television? This job is so exciting and challenging for a big part of peoples in the world. A Newspresenter present news during News Program in TV or Radio to the Viewers.
Must have a good appearance, eye contact in delivering news, not too much gesture, understood the content of the news, etc.
Newspresenter must be able to communicate, news reading, live report, talkshow, deliver weather forecast, etc.

But here, i want to share to you guys, example of Script when Delivering Weather Forecast.
So, lets Check it Out!

Hello, Good Morning Viewers
Welcome back with me Andi Tri Santoso in CNN Weather Forecast. Now I'll present to you about the weather forecast for today around some countries in Asia.
So, as you can see behind me. Lets us start from who you lives in Hanoi, the temperature is 19 degree C and there will be Cloudy but Hanoi predicted in the afternoon, there will be rainy. So, you have to bring an umbrella before you go to outside.
And then, lets see Brunei. Who you lives in this area, there will be rainy, the temperature is 32 degree C. Same as you who lives in Manila, Cebu, Davao, Ujung Pandang, Ho Chi Mihn, and Kuala Lumpur the temperature is 24 up to 33 degree C.
Meanwhile, for who you lives in Bangkok, Medan, and Jakarta. It is Glorious weather, there will be Sunny with the temperature is 30 up to 32 degree C. So, it is good for you to do activities in outside. Maybe you can go to the beach or hangout with yourfriends or  you can go to Medan, there is have a big event there, International Coffee Festival 2017 that held in Hermes Palace Polonia in Monginsidi Street. This event start from today until November 27th, 2017.
So, what are you waiting for, lets go there, and enjoy your day.
Well Viewers, information about festival in Medan as the end of our togetherness.
Thank you for your nice attention. Have a great day. 😃

To be a Good Newspresenter is not easy, but if always try and correct our weaknesses, all can be true. Stay to hard practice and dig our potential ability.
I hope that material can give benefit to you guys and don't forget to share 😇😇

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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