
Referensi Pidato Bahasa Inggris Simple Tentang "MY DREAM"

Andi Tri Santoso

Do you have a dream? Yes of course, I think all of us have a dream.
What will we want to be in the Future?

These question are important for us to be successful in the future. If we have a dream, we have a direction in life.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I ever talk to many people about their dream and if we compare its only 10% that have a real dream in life. Others said that "I don't know about it" it is really a big problem for us, especially for young generation.
I ever hear about their answer "I want to be succesful person" it is really a doubt answer, because what the succesful meaning in this matter. I think they are didn't believe with ability in themselves.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Actually this is a matter for us. For me, I have a dream, I am always doing something to make my dream come true. I always practice, practice, and practice and also learning by my mistakes and pray. I don't like people that is unbelieve with themselves.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Everyone can because they believe and take an action to make a changes. To be succesful, especially for us as a young generation, we must know our strenghthen and weakness. So, we can improve our ability to achieve the dream what we want, because in the future, this nation it is depends on us.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I believe our dream will become true if we believe with our ability, try to improve everyday, practices, and don't forget to pray.

I am Andi Tri Santoso, Thank you.

I am sorry if there are too much mistakes, because i make it only a few minutes. I hope it will be useful. :)

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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