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kali ini mimin bakal ngebahas topic tentang A Mid Summer Night's karya
Shakespeare, yang mana mimin cuma mau ngasih bahasan aja mengenai analisis
topic yang ada di dalam drama tersebut dan juga quotationnya. Oke langsung aja
kita simak ya..
A Mid Summer Night's Dream
Topic Analysis
1. According to my comprehension, the topics of this
drama are: First is about Love because Shakespeare explores how people tend to fall in love
with those who appear beautiful to them in this play, the second is Magic
because Shakespeare uses
magic both to embody the almost supernatural power of love and to create a surreal world, the third is about Dreams
because dreams are an
important theme in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, they are linked
to the bizarre, magical mishaps in the forest, the fourth is about Jealousy, in which jealousy plays out most obviously among the quartet
of Athenian lovers, who find themselves in an increasingly tangled knot of
misaligned desire. Helena begins the play feeling jealous of Hermia, who has
managed to snag not one but two suitors, the last one is about Friendship between Helena and
2. The love topic's that is describe in
this play is the asymmetrical love among the four young Athenians, they are
Hermia loves Lysander, Lysander loves Hermia, Helena loves Demetrius, and
Demetrius loves Hermia. Further because of the imbalance of love in which two
men love the same woman and leaving one woman with too many suitors and one
with too few. The play has told us about the imbalance love that is when the
lovers’ tangle resolves itself into symmetrical pairings, but then happy ending will have been achieved. So this
is what happened in the relationship between Titania and Oberon, an imbalance
arises out of the fact that Oberon’s coveting of Titania’s Indian boy outweighs
his love for her. Moreover, it also show the representation of the imbalance of
appearance and nature. In which that Titania is beautiful and graceful,but she
is clumsy and weird.
If we shadows have offended,
Think but this and all is mended:
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,No more yielding but a dream. (5.1.423–28)
Think but this and all is mended:
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,No more yielding but a dream. (5.1.423–28)
In the quotation it shows where Titania, the lovers and then Bottom are all roused from sleep, Demetrius wonders about the distinction between sleeping and waking. In the story almost every character falls asleep at some point, and shows the possibility that what happens afterwards is their dream rather than or not a reality.
The next one, in the unconscious side, from Helena's
perspective, we can see that she was jealous of Hermia because of the attention
she was receiving from Lysander and Demetrius and In the forest, both of the
men love Helena instead of Hermia. Not only does this reveal her fantasy of two
men loving her, but it also represents a cry for attention in general. It
describes in this quotation:
"Can you not hate me, as I know you do,
But you must join in souls to mock
me too?" (Act 3 in the Scene 2)
Nah itulah analisis mimin
tentang A Mid Summer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, jangan lupa di like, komen,
dan bagikan ya teman - teman. Semoga artikel kali ini bermanfaat.
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kritik atau saran, boleh langsung komen di kolom komentar ya, thank you 😊😊😊
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