
[ESSAY & SUMMARY] Antigone Play by Sophocles

Andi Tri Santoso

Hi guys, welcome back to my blog. So, in this occasion, we will still talk about story and here I would like to share my essay related to the Antigone Play by Sophocles. Without doing further do, let’s check it out!!

Antigone - Ancient History Encyclopedia

Antigone is a great Greek tragedy by Sophocles. The story is about a young woman who has buried her brother by breaking king’s decree, and now she is punished for obeying God’s law. In Antigone by Sophocles, Creon is immersed in a “power trip” that alienates and even kills his family. He caused his son, Haemon’s death, his wife, Eurydice’s death and Antigone’s death. Creon views himself as the perfect leader, believes he is always correct, and in turn has to live with the guilt of three deaths that were his fault. Antigone is a presented as a strong woman who is both dedicated to her family and her community. The Antigone's major conflict is between Creon and Antigone. In which that Creon has declared that the body of Polynices may not be given a proper burial because he led the forces that invaded Thebes, but Antigone wishes to give her brother a proper burial nevertheless. Meanwhile, the central theme of Antigone is the tension between individual action and fate.

Further, Antigone takes place in a trying time for the city of Thebes, when Oedipus, their king, and most of the royal family have died, and Creon has just been appointed the new king. Throughout the play, Creon tries on his power as the new ruler, and seems to believe that the gods will not be angry with some of his choices as king, even though they directly violate the divine law. However, in Antigone, when there is a conflict between the divine law and the state law, the divine law always prevails. So then Antigone continuously follows the divine law, and although she ends up dead, she does not face Creon’s pain of losing everyone he loves and all his people turning against him. 

The play begins with Antigone disobeying Creon in order to do what she believes is right in the eyes of the gods and in the eyes of her parents. In the end of the story, While in the cave though, Antigone commits suicide. Whereas, Creon survives at the end of the play and retaining rulership of Thebes, gaining in wisdom as he mourns the death of his wife and son. Then, Haemon, Creon's son, commits suicide after Antigone's death.

So, that was all the information related to Antigone’s play by Sophocles. If you have further information or question, just write in the comment session below ya..
Thank you very much for reading, I hope it will be useful for us, and see you in the next article JJJ

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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