
[Freud Analysis & Synopsis] Toward A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks

Andi Tri Santoso

Hi Guys, Selamat hari kamis untuk kamu pembaca yang manis semoga puasanya masih semangat ya dan tetap produktif hehe. Anyway, di edisi kali ini mimin bakal ngebahas topic yaitu tentang Freud Analysis toward A Walk To Remember story by Nicholas Sparks. Sebelum itu mari kita simak an overview atau sinopsis dari ceritanya dibawah ini ya. Check it out!!

A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks
A Walk to Remember Audiolibros por Nicholas Sparks - 9781594836596 ...

A Walk to Remeber is a novel created by Nicholas Sparks. This novel present London Carter as the main character in the story. Set in North Carolina, "A Walk To Remember" follows the rite of passage of a jaded, aimless high school senior, Shane West, who falls in love with a guileless young woman, Mandy Moore, he and his friends once scorned. The two develop a powerful and inspirational relationship in which they discover truths that take most people a lifetime to learn.

At the beginning of ''A Walk to Remember,'' Landon Carter, Shane West, a troubled North Carolina teenager, gathers with a bunch of his beer-drinking, blaspheming buddies for an initiation rite, which goes terribly wrong when another young man jumps off some industrial scaffolding into a shallow river.

Talking about the conflict in the story, so it is about Jamie who is worried that Landon will fall in love with her, and she's trying to stop him although; she feels the same but she is dying of cancer. Rising Action: Meeting and overcoming the obstacles of being together. Moreover the climax of the story occurs when Jamie finally reveals her secret: she is dying of leukemia.

Talking about the setting of A Walk To Remember it is in Beaufort, North Carolina. Meanwhile in the end of the story Hegbert has had to experience so much pain in his life, first losing his wife, now knowing his only child will soon be gone, too. It ends with Landon 40 years later at age 57. He still loves Jamie and wears her ring. He finishes the story by saying, "I now believe, by the way, that miracles can happen."

Here is some quotation and analysis related to Freudian Psychoanalysis towards the personality:
“…So there I was, flipping through the pages in the junior class section, when I saw Jamie Sullivan’s picture. I paused for just a second, then turned the page, cursing myself for even thinking about it. I spend the next hour searching for anyone halfway decent looking, but I slowly came to the realization that there wasn’t anyone left. In time I finally turned back to her picture and looked again. She wasn’t bad looking, I told myself, and she’s really sweet. She’d probably say yes, I thought………
I closed the yearbook. Jamie Sullivan? Hegbert’s daughter? No way. Absolutely not. My friends would roast me alive.

“But compared with dating with your mother or cleaning up puke or even, God forbid . . . Carey Dennison?”

“I spent the rest of the evening debating the pros and cons of my dilemma. Believe me, I went back and forth for a while, but in the end the choice was obvious, even to me. I had to ask Jamie to the dance, and I paced around the room thinking of the best way to ask her.”(Sparks, 1999:10)

The data above indicate of Landon’s superego. Because he asked Jamie went with him to the homecoming dance just because there was no one girl who could he ask, even though he did not like Jamie. He also knows that Hegbert certainly would not like it, but he still did it to avoid the ridicule of his friends, dating his mother, and cleaning up puke. He only thought about himself.

According to Sigmund Freud, the superego is non-rational to demand perfection.
Landon and Jamie begin closeness of the homecoming dance. A few weeks after the event, Jamie calls Landon to ask him for a favor. Jamie requests Landon to playing Tom Thornton in the school play. In the other parts, London received Jamie’s request to play Tom Thornton because he had no other choice. 

He saw that Jamie was really asking for help. In fact, he did not want to get a role in the play. He also did not want to miss every afternoon with Jamie. It is indicates his superego because he did not care about her feelings, and what his friends would say about that if he did it just to help Jamie. he was also no longer hanging out with his friends. Since falling in love he did everything with Jamie not his friends. In other words, he ignores his friends just because of Jamie.

“….I was in love with her, so deeply in love that I didn’t care if she was sick. I didn’t care that we wouldn’t have long together. None of those things mattered to me. All I cared about was doing something that my heart had told me was the right thing to do…..”

The quotation above indicates of Landon’s superego, because he scurries to make plans for the wedding even thought Jamie was ill. He did not care about his self. He just thought that he is marrying Jamie only to make her last day happy.

Nah itulah analisis yang mimin dapat jelaskan melalui artikel kali ini. If you have following question, just feel free to ask in the comment column below ya..
Semoga artikel kali ini bermanfaat untuk kita semua, mohon maaf bila masih banyak kurangnya. Tetap semangat dalam belajar dan sampai jumpa di artikel selanjutnya ya.. JJJ

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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