
Types of Figurative Language and the Example

Andi Tri Santoso

Ngomongin tentang sastra, terlebih puisi tentu kita sudah tidak asing dengan yang namanya Figurative Language atau Gaya Bahasa. Gaya bahasa ini sendiri bertujuan untuk memberikan efek – efek tertentu yang mana tujuannya adalah memberikan pesan secara imaginatif baik secara lisan ataupun tulisan. Nah untuk mengetahui lebih jauh mari kita definisi, jenis, dan juga contoh dari gaya bahasa dalam puisi.

Knowledge, Book, Library, Glasses, Textbook

The definition of figurative language is language used to describe someone or something by comparing to another, or using words for description that do not have a literal meaning.
Here are some figurative languages, the definition, and the example:

1. Alliteration
Alliteration is the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables.
Example: The wild and woolly walrus waits and wonders when we’ll walk by. According to the definition, the “W” sounds in the words wild, woolly, walrus, and wait, it is emphasize hope while the other we’ll and walk it emphasize hopeless.

2. Assonance
It is resemblance of sound in words or syllables. Example: He heard the sound of the fire, like wire striking the air. Because it is in line with the definition, so the sound of the fire, like wire striking the air is the resemblance of sound.

3. Cliche
This is a word or phrase that has become overly familiar or commonplace. Example: No pain, no gain. So, it is like have a connection between the word or it’s like cause and effect.

4. Hyperbole
Hyperbole means big exaggeration, usually with humor. Example: I walked a million miles to get here. Based on the definition, seems this figurative language is to explain something but with the style of exaggeration, because it is impossible for us walking a million miles.

5. Idiom
Idiom is the language peculiar to a group of people. Example: She sings at the top of her lungs. It is just like the word that is often used by people as to entertain or humor as the example.

6. Metaphor
This is figurative language which comparing two things by using one kind of object or using in place of another to suggest the likeness between them. Example: He is a shining star. As the example, so the word he it is comparing with star and the shining is another word to suggest the likeness between them.

7. Onomatopoeia
This is the other figurative language that naming a thing or an action by imitating the sound associated with it. Example: Sounds of the voice—shush, giggle, growl, whine, murmur, blurt, whisper, hiss. This is to explore how to describe certain action with the voice, other example like the sound of exploded-Boom.

8. Personification
Personification means giving something human qualities. Example: The wind howled in the night. It is as the representation of abstract qualities in human, or to describe something not human as the example.

9. Simile
One of the types of figurative language in which it is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid. Further, it is often introduced by like or as. Example: You were as brave as a lion. Like the example, so it compares two things which are between You or reflected to human and Lion.

So that’s all the definition, types, and examples of figurative language in poetry. Semoga artikel kali ini bermanfaat untuk kita semua, terimakasih telah membaca dan sampai jumpa di artikel selanjutnya JJJ

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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