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Andi Tri Santoso

Natar, Rabu, 4 Agustus 2021

Seiring dengan meningkatnya kasus Covid 19 di Indonesia, berbagai sektor mulai dari pariwisata, bisnis, ekonomi, dan juga sektor pendidikan terkena dampaknya. Covid 19 memaksa guru untuk dapat beradaptasi agar siswa tetap dapat mengikuti pembelajaran seperti biasanya termasuk daring, namun ada banyak sekali kendala yang dihadapi guru terkait dengan pembelajaran di masa pandemi. Mulai dari sarana dan prasarana, jaringan, materi pembelajaran, tenaga pengajar, dan lain sebagainya.

Melihat kondisi ini, Pemerintah melalui program Kampus Mengajar yang dibuat oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan memiliki visi untuk menanggulangi permasalahan pendidikan dimasa pandemi. Kampus mengajar merupakan bagian dari Kampus Merdeka yang mengajak mahasiswa di Indonesia untuk menjadi guru dan mengajar siswa-siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD) dan juga Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) di wilayah 3T (terdepan, tertinggal dan terluar). Selain itu tujuan dari program kampus mengajar ini ialah untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa belajar dan mengembangkan diri melalui aktivitas di luar kelas perkuliahan.

6 Mahasiswa Lampung yang terdiri dari Amanda Ayu Ningtias, Erni Oktaviani, dan Muhammad Ackmal Sandi, Mahasiswa IIB Darmajaya, Andi Tri Santoso dan Yoani Gustanti, Mahasiswa Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, serta Surya Anugrah Pratama, Mahasiswa Universitas Lampung, Rabu, 4 Agustus 2021 mengunjungi SDN 2 Sidosari untuk melakukan penyerahan dan audiensi terkait dengan Program Kampus Mengajar yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan sekolah.

Acara ini dihadiri langsung oleh Kepala Sekolah SDN 2 Sidosari, Ibu Dra. Nurhayati Wakhidah, M.Pd.I., Dewan guru, Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan (DPL) di SDN 2 Sidosari, Bapak Nurdin, M.Pd, dan juga mahasiswa peserta Program Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 2 Tahun 2021.

Sementara itu, acara Penyerahan Mahasiswa yang akan bertugas di SDN 2 Sidosari pun berjalan lancar. Yang mana Ibu Nurhayati, selaku kepala sekolah membuka acara ini dengan mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih dan juga kebanggaannya terhadap Mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam program ini. Beliau juga mengatakan “Semoga dengan adanya adik – adik Mahasiswa disini dapat membantu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran disekolah kami serta sekolah ini dapat digunakan sebagai tempat bagi Mahasiswa Program Kampus Mengajar 2021 untuk dapat mengaplikasikan ilmu yang didapat diperkuliahan”. Tak hanya itu, Ibu Nur juga memberikan orientasi singkat terhadap program yang ada disekolah, hal yang masih menjadi permasalahan, serta yang perlu ditingkatkan disekolah ini.

Pembukaan Penyerahan Mahasiswa Program Kampus Mengajar serta Pemaparan informasi tentang sekolah oleh Ibu Nurhayati

Disisi lain Nurhayati berharap dengan adanya program ini dapat membangun kualitas yang ada disekolah dan sebagai ajang silaturahmi serta tempat untuk saling belajar.

Kemudian, acara dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan program Kampus Mengajar yang disampaikan oleh Bapak Nurdin selaku Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan (DPL) di SDN 2 Sidosari. Yang mana sebelumnya Pak Nurdin menyampaikan apresiasinya terhadap pihak SDN 2 Sidosari yang menyambut baik kedatangan tim dari Kampus Mengajar. Selain itu, beliau memaparkan beberapa program utama yang menjadi target dari program ini, seperti Membantu Guru dalam proses pembelajaran, khususnya literasi dan numerasi, adaptasi teknologi, dan administrasi serta administrasi dan manajerial di SDN 2 Sidosari. Beliau juga berharap dengan adanya program ini dapat menjadi wadah bagi Mahasiswa untuk dapat mengaplikasikan ilmu yang didapat serta visi misi dari program Kampus Mengajar agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan manajemen di SDN 2 Sidosari.

Pemaparan program Kampus Mengajar oleh Bapak Nurdin selaku DPL

Lebih lanjut, setelah pemaparan mengenai program dan juga pengenalan lingkungan sekolah. Kemudian acara dilanjutkan dengan foto bersama dan juga ramah tamah antara Guru di SDN 2 Sidosari dan juga Mahasiswa.



Kepala Sekolah, Guru, DPL, dan juga Mahasiswa berfoto bersama

Literary Criticism Review

Andi Tri Santoso

Hi everyone, today i'll share you about literary criticism review, starting from definition and its type. Hope you like it.. 

1. The functions of literary criticism are will help us to make better sense of the work, form judgments about literature, study ideas from different points of view, and determine on an individual level whether a literary work is worth reading. Beside, the chief function of criticism is to enlighten and stimulate.

2. There are some ways we can do to analysis literary work, such as through describe that is by give the reader a sense of the writer's overall purpose and intent. Beside through analyze that is by examine how the structure and language of the text convey its meaning, as well interpret that is by state the significance or importance of each part of the text.

3. Here are some schools of criticism.


Archetypal criticism is a critical approach to literature that seeks to find and understand the purpose of archetypes within literature.


Cultural criticism is a recent movement in criticism that is interdisciplinary by extending the range of examined texts beyond just the literary works themselves to objects or practices that can be interpreted as representative of a culture’s beliefs, values, and laws.


Feminist Criticism is literary criticism based on feminist theories. It considers texts with the knowledge that societies treat men and women inequitably.


Based on the writings of Karl Marx (1818-1883) this school of thought contends that history and culture is largely a struggle between economic classes, and literature is often a reflection of the attitudes and interests of the dominant class.


Post-structuralism refers to a critical approach to language, literature, and culture that questions or criticizes structuralism. 


Psychoanalytic criticism is literary criticism grounded in psychoanalytic theory of the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). 


Health Protocols Should be obeyed by Indonesian People - Speech Script

Andi Tri Santoso

Hallo semuanya, apa kabarnya nih? Semoga selalu sehat dan bahagia ya.. :)

Nah hari ini mimin mau kasih contoh naskah pidato bahasa inggris tentang "Kenapa sih Protokol Kesehatan itu Harus di Patuhi oleh Orang Indonesia?" So, without doing further do, lets check it out!

As we know that right now, many countries in the world have experiencing Covid-19 cases, not exception in Indonesia. A lot of people have infected by this virus in which as of today, the number of people who have been infected by this virus worldwide has reached more than 25 million cases, with 16.5 million people have recovered, also the death cases already more than 800 thousand people. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the total cases is more than 175 thousand with 126 thousand people have recovered and more than 7 thousand deaths.

Maybe some of us still confused about what actually this virus is and how it affects our body, as well the impact. So, the Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Although for most people COVID-19 causes only mild illness, it can make some people very ill. More rarely, the disease can be fatal. Older people and those with pre- existing medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes appear to be more vulnerable.

The symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, sore throat and headaches. In severe cases it can be the difficulty in breathing and deaths can occur. A lot of countries are struggling to stop or prevent the spread of this virus, so that the graphic of people who are infected will go down, not only that some of the countries also are struggling to find the best medicine to cure them who have infected as well. From the current updated, the University of Oxford, the vaccine developed by Sinovac in collaboration with PT Bio Farma, and many more they are still being tested by the scientists to make sure that the vaccine is good and cure them who are infected by this virus.

Furthermore, this virus has already impacted not only about our body but even the country because financially, many people have lost their jobs, besides it also impacted to the economy condition, as well mentally of people. In Indonesia, as we know that starting from the first cases of this virus, our government has already done some regulations to prevent or to make the number of cases going stable. For example, PSBB, Lockdown in some areas, appeal people to use health protocols when going outside such as bring hand sanitizer, wash hands frequently, use mask, and many more.

Well talking about Health Protocols, it is very important to stop the spread of this virus because this virus can spread through the air. Moreover, many scientists have done the research on how important to use health protocols for us to protect ourselves by this virus. According to the graphic in the Ministry of Health, if we follow the health protocols, the number of cases will going down. But what is the biggest problem now?

In Indonesia, it is understandable if people are barely not care with this virus now because we don’t know how this virus come to us, unless we experiencing it. Besides, they already confused on how to continuing their life because they lost their jobs that is why a lot of criminal going on now in many areas in Indonesia. The impact of this virus is very big. Have you ever think that we definitely want this virus will over, got the right vaccine, and we can do activity normally again? But how could it will realize if we don’t care about that?.

I strongly believe that this virus will go soon and over if we follow health protocols and follow the government instruction, they make the decision, of course they will think though on how the impact of that regulation. If we look back at the previous month, most of us are staying at home and really follow health protocols and it is impacted to the number of cases that is going a bit more low, but then now because the awareness of people are fading so the number is going high again.

All in all, maybe most of us are missing going to school, work, hang out with our friends, etc. So, it is the right time for us to understand that we can’t fight for this virus alone, we have to unite. We want everything going normal soon, but how could it be if we do not do anything and just ignoring the rules?. Do not because of our selfishness in the end make this condition not finished immediately. In conclusion let us face this situation together and believe that we will win if we aware and care each other. So as not to be infected, we need to follow health protocols because when people are diligently wash their hands with soap and water, use masks when doing outdoor activities, avoid touching their faces when hands feel dirty, avoid crowds, and maintain physical distance or apply physical distancing, I believe we can do normal activity soon.

Well that's all, semoga artikel ini bermanfaat ya :)

Nah kalau teman- teman ada kritik atau saran, boleh kirim di kolom komentar.. 

See u on the next Article..

Semantics and Pragmatics Course Review - Literature Linguistics Study

Andi Tri Santoso


1.             What are the differences between semantics and pragmatics?

The difference between semantics and pragmatics is that semantics is the study of meaning meanwhile pragmatics is the study of context. The semantics studies the meaning of words and their meaning within sentences, but pragmatics studies the same words and meanings but with emphasis on their context. Additionally, semantics is concerned only with the exact, literal meaning of the words and their interrelations, pragmatic usage focuses on the inferred meaning that the speakers and listeners perceive.


2.             Give examples of referring expressions!

The example of referring expression is when I say “Nunung please touch me” in which in this sentence I have a particular person in mind that is nunung that becomes referring expression. Besides, when I say ‘The man besides the table” it also referring expression that here I have a particular person in mind that is that man who is besides the table.


3.             What is presupposition and give examples of analysis!

Presupposition is a claim that assumed to be true but left unstated. It is important because it makes communication more vision than it could be if we had the stated that we think it’s possibly. Besides, presupposition is an implicit assumption about the world or background belief relating to an utterance whose truth is taken for granted in discourse.


The example of presupposition “The king of France has red hair” and then the presupposition is “there exists a king of France”. Additionally, we can presuppose by mapping from English into logic. For example “The King of France has red hair, so it could be presuppose into logic to be “There is a king of France and the king has red hair”. From that sentence, we can’t say that is true or false, because it is something that you believe is true without having any proof because your actions are based on some false presuppositions.



4.             Explain politeness strategies and give examples!

In order to talk to people we have to have a sense on how to navigate this conversation. Besides, face has two parts, which are positive and negative. Positive face is where we want to be esteemed, admired, looked up to, and respected by the people around us. Meanwhile negative face is when we want to be free from imposition. We want autonomy to make free choices. All in all, we need those two faces to be in place for us to feel balance.


According to the video, the example of positive politeness is when we want to ask for letters of recommendation, the expressions we can use such as, you’re an expert, you are familiar with my work and you’d be the perfect person to give me the letter of recommendation. In contrast, the negative politeness after asking the letters of recommendation to someone, we may say just feel free to say no, the deadline may not work for you, and I’m sure that you are busy.



5.             What do you know about discourse analysis?

Discourse analysis is sometimes defined as the analysis of language 'beyond the sentence'. Discourse analysis is a research method for studying written or spoken language in relation to its social context. It aims to understand how language is used in real life situations. Moreover, discourse is anything that gives meaning to the text. In discourse analysis, text as the object can be decided into two kinds, which are spoken and written.

“Should Students Take To Street To Protest The Newly Passed Controversial Omnibus Law On Job Creation?” - Omnibus Law

Andi Tri Santoso

Recently, the House of Representatives of Indonesia has inaugurated the Omnibus Law, which is a concept of making regulations that combines several rules with different regulatory substances into one regulation under one legal protection. The Omnibus law itself was made by the government which focuses on the Employment Law, UMKM Empowerment Law, and Taxation Law which are expected to be tools to strengthen the national economy through improving the investment ecosystem and Indonesia's competitiveness. However, in reality, there are so many contradictions to the adoption of this policy that has led to many demonstrations in various places in Indonesia after the adoption of this policy because it seems hasty and a policy that does not side with the workers. In line with this, I personally supported those who took to the street especially students to protest related to this obligation. Here are some of my reasons.

First of all, Indonesia is a democratic country that we could say everything we want as long as we don’t break the rules. By doing demonstration means that we are conveying something that is not in line with what we want in this country because we think it will not gives us benefit as the citizens. Moreover, through this action, we take to the street and delivering our aspirations directly to the government, especially here the House of Representatives so then they will directly follow up what we want and what are the things that burden us so then they could clarify. Since it is often happened that the government seems don’t care with their citizens or even when we deliver our aspirations through their services for example call center of their offices it will be slow response.

Second of all, there are some contradictions on the contents of the omnibus law which is impressed is not in favor of labor. A lot of students took to the street lately because they saw some of the regulations in this law are not fair, the contents of this law seems benefit investors. So, that is why they took to the street as it is to make the government will stop the validation of this law or even change the contents since they consider it is not fair to them as Labor. The validation of this law also in controversy since there are some of the meeting members don’t get the draft of this policy that of course they don’t know about the inside of this policy. 

Third of all, students or we called as “Young Generation” is the future of our country, when we just keep silent, maybe our country will not get betterment. It also as the protest of the government performance that seems not good, we are democratic country that has slogan “from the people, by the people, for the people”. By doing this action also to evaluate the government performance so then they will aware and not careless in decision making. Government is paid by us, so I think it is okay if we do this action, because we fight not only for our rights but for the other people that maybe afraid to speak up.

All in all, I think it is okay for us to do demonstration as long as it is not break the rules and not ruin the facilities that we have because we are democratic country. Because when we do that it will not solve the problem but adding new problem. Additionally, it also shows on how we love our country and want our country get advancement in the future. I think that in this case the government should immediately provide clarification to students or the public about this so that they do not do anarchist things that can damage the facilities we have because this also shows the responsibility of the government itself for the policies they decide.

[NEWSCASTING UPDATED] Contoh Opening dan Closing Terbaru

Andi Tri Santoso
This is the Updated info related to the Opening and Closing Newscasting terbaru- 
The groom is dressed at home in a suit. Cute groom posing for a photographer. spring
Alright so karena ada lumayan banyak nih yang nanya ke mimin dan minta saran untuk referensi opening dan closing news casting yang lainnya. So, di edisi kali ini mimin bakalan memberikan kalian referensi lagi untuk Opening dan Closing di dalam perlombaan News casting.
Young beautiful blonde television announcer at studio during live broadcasting.Female TV director at editor in studio.Recording at TV studio with television anchorwoman. TV NEWS studio with camera
Sebelum lanjut, noted ya teman – teman, you have to edit the sentence into your own, in order to make you comfortable when delivering it.  Now, let’s check it out!!

Hello, welcome back with me Tara Budiman in ABC Headline News which will provide you the latest news updated around the world. Well, here is the complete news.

- The content/ the news

Well, that was all ABC Headline News for today. If you have critics and suggestions please sent to our official email. But don’t go anywhere because after this ABC Weather Forecast will give you the latest information related to today’s weather forecast. Stay tuned.

Nah contoh lain bisa juga seperti ini..


Today’s top story

- Read the Headline of the News

Then you may continue with

Hello good morning, now you are joining in NBC Headline News with me Angela Anastasia. Well in the next five minutes later, I will give you the daily news updated around the world and this is the complete news.

- The content/ the news


Well this is the end of NBC Headline News for today. If you want to get further information, you may visit our website in Thank you for watching and have a wonderful day.

Nah itulah contoh lain yang semoga bisa menjadi referensi teman – teman sekalian dalam membuat opening dan closing yang menarik. Semoga artikel kali ini bermanfaat dan jangan lupa di like atau share ya. See you in the next article.. JJJ

[Newscasting] Contoh Teks Cultural News Terbaru

Andi Tri Santoso

Hi future Newsanchor, gimana kabarnya hari ini? Masih semangat kan belajar tentang Newscastingnya? Alright, seperti yang kita ketahui, di ajang perlombaan Newscasting itu there are some rounds of the competition yang tentunya each round is challenging, mulai dari Newsreading, Weather forecast, Live report, Talk Show, and Interview. 

Nah in today’s edition kita akan membahas mengenai Cultural News, mungkin beberapa dari kalian sudah pernah membuat your own cultural news, but maybe some of you still confused how to start. So, disini mimin mau ngasih kalian an example of cultural news yang pernah mimin buat. Without doing further do, let’s check it out!!
Carnival, Culture, Indonesian, Art, Joy, Women, Face

As one of the great cities in Indonesia, Semarang also provides you many great things to be explored.
Hello good morning, now you’re joining Asian Paradise with me (Name), and I am (name) the channel that discovered the richness of Asian Cultures.

Well last edition we have already experience Malaysian cultures, today we’ll have special edition about Semarang Indonesia.

Many people maybe familiar with Semarang by its Lawang Sewu, one of the historical buildings in Semarang. But now, as in 2010, the government held a spectacular event called as Semarang Night Carnival.
Painting watercolor on the fabric to make Batik. Batik-making is part of Indonesian culture

Semarang night carnival is a cultural festival that held since 2010 and as in 2017 this event became an International carnival.  For this year, Semarang Night Carnival 2019 build up the theme of “Pelangi Nusantara” which has the meaning of the diversity of cultural arts possessed by the Indonesian people ranging from ethnicity, race, and religion. While seeing the parade during the event, you must be amazed by traditional costume who wore by 4.028 participants. The festival also followed by another country, such as China, Netherlands, Germany, and Australia. Moreover it will also be enlivened by a culture march of 98 cities from Indonesia. Furthermore, the event starts at 18.30 P.M and opened by the Marching band, then it continue by the participants and the cultural march that will go through Imam Bonjol street, towards Pierre Tendean street, Pemuda Balai Kota street, and ending at the Pandanaran Building on Imam Bonjol street. This is the most waited event that held in semarang that makes local and international tourists come because they would like to see the greatness of the event while participate to preserve the cultures.

Visiting Semarang it is incomplete if you do not try the local food. As another city in Indonesia, semarang also has many of delicious traditional food. Either you feel hungry when see the carnival, you can easily find the place that sell the local food. Do you know Garang Asem? This is traditional food from semarang which contains delicious chicken with coconut milk sauce, star fruit, and chili. To make this the chicken and coconut milk sauce are cooked by placing it in a banana leaf and covering the top with a stick then steaming. You must be hooked by this food that is more delicious when it served with warm rice, chicken satay, and tempe. In addition, it takes around 2 hours to cook. One portion of Garang Asem consists of carbohydrate, protein, and vitamin that make this food so healthy. And for you who are not patient to taste it, don’t worry because the seller of this food is everywhere or maybe you can come to one of the famous place that sell this food is in “Garang Asem Sari Rasa” that is located in Mangunsarkoro street, Semarang. The price is affordable only around Rp. 20.000.

So, what are you waiting for, let’s put Semarang in your must-visit place and enjoy the wonderful cultures and food from Semarang. 
Well, this is the end of the Asian Paradise today. Thank you for watching. Have a great day.

Well, that was all the example of cultural news that I have made. Semoga artikel kali ini bermanfaat dan bisa menjadi referensi teman – teman semuanya. Jangan lupa di like, kalau ada pertanyaan boleh langsung komen di kolom komentar. Terimakasih telah membaca dan sampai jumpa di artikel selanjutnya JJJ