
The Example of Speech About Young Generation that Bring Alteration

Andi Tri Santoso


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Allow Me to introduce Myself, I am (Your Name) from (Your School). With all due respect to the Honorable Judges representing, to all of the Audiences, and My beloved friends, Good morning everyone.

            Let we say thank to Allah SWT because of  his grace, we all can gather here on this event. Shalawat and prayer unforget we say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends, and all of his followers, Amin. And also to committee who helped implementation of this event.

Ladies and gentlemen,

            In this chance I would like to tell you my speech about ”Future Leaders For Better Indonesia”

Talking  about a good Leader, of course not be separated from the attitude and behavior of the person. With it we can judge someone who has leadership or not. A good Leader, of course can be seen from the attitudes and actions toward others. A leader must have a sense of responsibility and firmness against what he took.

Ladies and gentlemen,

            Indonesia's future leaders for the better, of course must have good characteristics so that the future can be better Indonesia. Basically everyone has leadership, but not everyone can and dare to lead. Indonesia in my opinion, not only requires leaders who are smart, assertive, responsible and ethical good, but should also have a charismatic in order to influence others to be able to work together with the leadership they lead because of government can work very well if each part in the government it can cooperate well with each other. Then the leader must wholeheartedly serve the homeland and the nation. Not only that, he had to have faith, moral, intelligent decision making, and according to the principles of democratic life of the nation adopted and to shape Indonesia to make it better also to prepare Indonesia in MEA (The society economic ASEAN) later.

Ladies and gentlemen,

            In spite of all, a lot of things that must be addressed Indonesia to achieve it all. I ever seen in television, a lot of corruption is in Indonesia undertaken by government. Though the money that would other wise be used to improve infrastructure for Indonesia's progress instead misused for personal gain. For example, many students drop out of school, do not have a uniform, and swim to go to school because of the broken bridges, it is an irony in the midst of our state assets, because they are the future generation who led Indonesia later. This of course is a problem that must be addressed for the future leaders of the nation. A good leader for the nation's progress in the future should carry out his duties and must also give what he can give to the nation's progress with as well.

Ladies and gentlemen,

            Some time ago we together has been commemorating the heroes day. Therefore, in the spirit of the heroes, let a younger generation that will lead this nation in the future with the spirit of our youth, we together to build this nation for the better. Lead ourselves first in order to lead the nation in the future for progress our nation this, Indonesia.

Ladies and gentlemen,

            Maybe it's just that I can say, I ask apologizing if I has a wrong in what I say and to God I ask apologizing, thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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