

Andi Tri Santoso

How to Operate Computer
First, switch on the stavolt. Stavolt is an electrical tool to stabilize the electricity to the computer hardware
Second, press the power button to turn on the CPU. The power button usually lays under the CD Rom. The shape is round or square.
Third, turn on the monitor. Sometimes the monitor is on when the CPU is turned on. It depends on the previous user whether turned the monitor on or off.
Fourth, start to operate an application. Example, if you want to type, you can open Microsoft Word aplication by clicking twice.

How to Use a Washing Machine
1. First of whites separated, so as not to fade.
2. then, put clothes in the washing machine and given some water
3. third you do not forget, pour some detergent. Because This detergent is very important in the process of washing clothes , and for cleaning and perfuming the clothes.
4. if heavy clothing then use heavy regulation
5. set the time washing clothes , the turn the as you wish time in the wash time. there is usually a time setting, there are 5 minutes 10 minutes and other
6. washing machine itself will stop , then turn to the button so water out. if you want to quickly dry put in drying machine so turn as you wish time in a dryer setting.
7. when drying machine stop , so the process of washing clothes is completed. / so the process is complete.

How to Turn on the Televetion
1. Put the tvcabel to the electric socket
2. Press the red button in the remote
3. Choose your favourite channel tv

How To Use Blender
First,put the blender near the wall outlet
Second,make sure all the component of blender are in it's place
Third,put the ingredients you want to blend inside the blender
Next,plug in the power cord to the wall outlet
After it,switch the button to on,wait until the ingredients were blended
Finally,switch the button off and put the blended ingredients in bowl or plate

How to Operate Iron
First, prepare an iron.
Second, plug the iron cable to an electric socket. Wait until the iron becomes hot.
Third, prepare a shirt or trousers you want to iron. Place it on a flat surface.
Fourth, put the iron on the shirt or trousers and move it to the right and left. Do it until the clothes become smooth.
Finally, fold the clothes you have ironed.

How to insert SIM Card Cellphone
First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.
After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery.
Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.
Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place.
Don’t forget to switch on the cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use.

How To Use Refrigerator
1. Check that the refrigerator is in good working order and the temperature is set to at least 40 degrees, which is the recommended setting for most items. Ensure all shelves and spaces are clean and the door and light are functioning before use.
2. Keep all the contents of the refrigerator in separate drawers or on different shelves. This will help limit the chance of things becoming contaminated and keep the space organized and user friendly.
3. Clear out foods every few days, discarding those with a limited shelf life or things that are past their date. Many items in jars or cans are only safe to use for a few days after opening so throw these out if there is any doubt about when they were opened.
4. Clean your refrigerator on a regular basis (at least every two weeks) paying special attention to the bottom shelves for things that may have dripped or fallen. Clear up spills as soon as they occur to prevent mold and stickiness.
5. Be energy efficient by keeping the door closed as much as possible and not allowing the temperature to rise above the recommended amount. Always close the door firmly and check that the seals around the door are pressed firmly together.

How To Use Hand Mixer
1. Choose a powerful model. You will more than likely only use your hand mixer to make cake mixes but it's still handy to have a powerful model. That way, if you decide to make cookie dough, but don't feel like fooling with your stand model, you have enough power to handle the job.
2. Make sure there are a variety of different settings. A model that is powerful, but doesn't have enough settings, will sling food all over your kitchen. Choose a model that has at least 5 speeds.
3. Look for a model that has a resting feature. When using a hand mixer, there may be times when you need to stop mixing and add ingredients or answer the phone. With a resting feature, you can easily prop the mixer onto the side of the bowl, without having it fall over.
4. Look for a hand mixer that has various attachments. Some brands come with regular beaters as well as dough hooks and an attachment to make whipped cream. This allows you to use your hand mixer for several different recipes.
5. Stay put: If you have a stand model, stick with that brand. If you love your stand mixer, find a model that is made by the same company. This helps ensure that you'll buy a model that you'll enjoy

How To Use Printer
1. Make sure that your printer is hooked up properly before using it. If this is a brand new printer then it will go through a check and print out a test page for you. A lot of different times you can just turn it on, you will hear the ink moving around. Something might come up on the computer telling you that the printer is on and working properly.
2. Open the page you want to print. If you are on the Internet and want to print something from there. All you have to do is go up to file, then down to page set up. This will give you more printing options to choose from. When you are done setting up the page you can verify you have the right printer hooked up by clicking on "Printer" at the bottom. Once everything looks good click on "OK" and now your page should print out.
3. Open up a ".doc" file if that is where your page is that you need to print. When you are ready to print go up to "File" and "Print Setup". Again you can choose how you want your page to look, and check and make sure the right printer is installed. If your page is set up the way you like it you can just click on the printer icon on the tool bar or go to "File" then "Print."
4. Using a printer a lot over time will start to wear down your ink supply. Some models of printers let you know when your ink supply is getting low. If you have an older printer you will just have to go by what the printed page looks like. If it is very worn and faded then it is time to install a new ink cartridge.

How to Operate a Fan
1) First, plug the power cord into a wall outlet. (AC 120 Volts 60 HZ)
2) Then, to make the fan move sideways, push the pin on top of the motor.
3) Next, to move the fan up or down, first pull up the oscillating pin, then press the tilt adjustment knob.
4) And the last, to change the speed of the fan, press one of the switches at the bottom.

How To Use Vacuum Cleaner
1. Examine the area of the vacuum where it deposits dirt. In older vacuums, this is a bag. In new ones it is often a removable and reusable canister. If the bag is full, you need to change it; if it is a reusable container it should be emptied as often as possible. If the deposit area is full the vacuum won't be able to pick up dirt effectively.
2. Check the vacuum's height. Most vacuums have an adjustable indicator for carpets of various lengths. If your vacuum has one, make sure it is set to the appropriate length for your carpet. If it is set too high it won't have enough suction and if it is set to low it won't have enough airflow.
3. Move all of the smaller items out of the vacuum's way. Even if you don't plan to move the furniture when you vacuum, such as ottomans and coffee tables, you can remove the smaller items easily.
4. Turn the vacuum on and push the vacuum forward and backwards over your carpet, in slow, even strokes. If you move the vacuum too quickly it won't pick up dirt as well.
5. Use the vacuum's attachments such as the simple hose with exchangeable ends, to clean corners and under the edges of furniture. Most vacuums have a series of attachments for these sorts of jobs. It is a good idea to do this extra bit of cleaning so the normal airflow of your room doesn't push unwanted dirt into your newly cleaned areas.

How to Operate a VCD/DVD Player
1.First insert the plug into an outlet
2.Second press the power of DVD Player
3.Third,press open button
4.Next,put DVD Into DVD player
5.Press close button
6.The movie is ready served

How to Use Rice Cooker

To cook rice using a rice cooker, you should follow the following steps.
First, wash the rice in a separate bowl.
Second, place the washed rice in the cooker pan.
Third, add water into the pan.
Next, place the pan into the body.
Then, close the outer lid. Make sure to press the lid until it clicks. Plug the cord into AC outlet. The light will turn on. After that press the switch and the cooking process will start.
Finally, when the rice is cooked, the switch will pop up and the light will turn on to show that the rice warmer function is working. Wait about 15 minutes and the rice will be ready to be served.

How to Operate Radio
1. Turn on the radio
2. Pull the antenna
3. And increase the radio's volume
4. And the last one, turning the channel knob to choose your favorite channel

How to Operate a Mobile Phone
If you want to call someone, follow the following instructions:
First, press the "power" button.
Second, wait until the signals are full.
Third, press the number you want to call.
Fourth, wait until the other says "Hello".
Fifth, start the conversation.
Sixth, press the "Call Off" button to end the conversation.

How To Turn On Your Laptop
1. first, open your laptop
2. then push the power button
3. next, wait until the procces finish
4. finally, your laptop is turned On
How to Use the Scanner
1.Put the scanner on a PC.
2. Make sure scannernya already installed. If already installed, open the Adobe Photoshop software. (actually not just photoshop, but here I only discuss with adobe photoshop only)
4. Once open click on file, import, and select the name / brand of your scanner.
5. Put a picture / photo on the scanner, and then close the cover.
6. After fitting it to determine whether or not the click preview image.
7. If it fits and you are sure, then click scan for mengscan picture.
8. Done.

How to Charge Handphone Battery
1. Connect the charger to your hand phone, the flash symbol on the charger plug must face upward.
2. Wait until the battery icon appears on the screen.
3. Charge the battery approximately 5 hours or until the battery icon indicates that the battery is fully charged.
4. Remove the charger by pulling out from your hand phone.

How to use the ATM Card
  • First, insert your card to the slot.
  • Second, dial your password.
  • Third, choose how much money you want to take by pressing select button on the left and the right of the monitor.
  • Fourth, pick your card from the slot.
  • Fifth, take your money.
  • Sixth, take the receipt
                          How to Turn on Switch
Very easy , simply press the direction of the surface , and a lamp or other electrical device will light up. With conditions, such as power cables have been connected . If not then you can do the wiring first. When wiring make sure the power source is turned off or not electricity

About the Author

Andi Tri Santoso / Author & Editor

Hi, Thank you for reading this article, I am Andi Tri Santoso, now i am one of the students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia majoring in English Literature.

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